employed professionals

  • Self employed professionals: the new way of working
    Self employed professionals are growing by the day. The traditional way of working in which full time contracts are the standard are making way for self employed professional who offer their services on a freelance basis. Making this step brings along a lot of challenges, like specific rules or laws related to financial issues. It’s important to know that you can get some specific benefits as a freelancer with respect to fiscality. This however requires some knowledge about tax rules and related issues. This is where we can help you.

  • What do we help you with?
    We completely understand that (starting) freelancers prefer to spent their time on their core business that can contribute to growing their business. We can offer different services to facilitate you in this process and help to take away the burden of administration and tax related activities. We can help you as much completely according to your preferences.

  • Easy and accesible
    At ONZkantoor, we have a custom clientportal in which you can administrate everything online to make the whole process as easy as possible. As a result, it now is a lot easier to transfer your receipts or invoices to our accountants. If you prefer direct contact, you can always get in touch with us for a personal talk. We will always help you as soon as possible.
